Being self-employed, or owning a small business means that you have to source health insurance coverage by yourself. Doing so can be quite daunting as there are a number of terms, validity periods and other issues to wade through. The good thing is that when you choose self-employed insurance, you are choosing coverage that is extremely flexible. Imagine having coverage that can be adjusted to your income levels. Not only that, you do get subsidies to lower your overall costs.
If you are self-employed and run a business, you are also not left out. All you have to do is register as a small business and use the SHOP exchange to get a policy that is made just for you.
Both plans have the capability to provide coverage for dependents.
To be self-employed means to choose your own destiny, be free to forge your path. Your health insurance coverage should also offer you freedom. This is why self-employed health insurance exists. However, as with all things health insurance, finding the right plan for yourself can be arduous. That's where Very Good Coverage comes in. All you have to do is fill out the required information plus your health insurance preferences and we at Very Good Coverage can give you a quote for a plan that best suits you!
Let's get you some very good coverage.
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