Getting health insurance while self-employed can be a lot to wrap your head around. You first have to discover what your Minnesota and your health insurance provider define as self-employed. Well, if you are a consultant, independent contractor or freelance you can apply for self-employed health insurance. You can also apply if you own a small business that doesn't have any employees. This means that none of your employees are reported on your bed of year W 2 form.
You can choose to apply for self-employed health insurance in Minnesota via the State or Federal Marketplace.
At the marketplace you can find numerous coverage options that suit you. Being an independent worker with no employees, consultant, or freelancer means you are eligible to enroll.
At the Marketplace, numerous plans have lower premiums and they cover different recent levels of coverage. Being a self-employed individual also means you can save on health insurance. How much you save is dependent on your projected income for that coverage year.
With the plethora of health insurance companies in Minnesota offering self-employed health insurance, it can be quite daunting to select the coverage policy that is perfectly suited to your unique situation. This is where Very Good Coverage comes in. We help you cut through the noise, by offering you a quote that matches your lifestyle and your income level.
All you need to do is to fill out a quote form. What do you have to lose?
Let's get you some very good coverage.
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